Muzeul Municipiului București vă invită joi, 16 mai 2019, ora 18.30, la conferința în limba engleză „Arts in the service of religion: Liturgical Arts and their role in the tradition of Orthodox Christianity”, susținută de Christina Matiaki (Grecia), la Palatul Suțu (Bulevardul Ion C. Brătianu, nr. 2). Christina Matiaki este bizantinolog, pictează icoane și restaurează biserici.
„From the first moment that people joined and lived in groups and organized communities, they reflected on everything that overcame logic and sought the answer to metaphysical questions. The inner spiritual quest of man as an individual, passed as a mutual agreement, became a collective faith and was formulated as a certainty for the existence of God inside the history of mankind. This collective faith in every period, depending on the place and the social, historical and political context, was expressed through all the available forms of art. The need of man to communicate and to touch the distant Deity through arts has in many cases of the past led to technical pioneering and extreme technical skill. In the case of the Orthodox tradition, the title „liturgical” was attributed to arts used for the above purpose, which in our case is a very interesting point worth analyzing.” (Christina Matiaki)
Coordonator: Cătălin D. Constantin
Intrare – 10 lei. Biletele se pot cumpăra în ziua conferinței, de la standul de bilete al Palatului Suțu.
Evenimentul este organizat în parteneriat cu Fundația Culturală Greacă și Facultatea de Litere a Universității din București.
Următoarea conferință de joi:
*** 23 mai 2019, ora 18.30, Conferința „Mic îndreptar de igienă vizuală”, cu Roland Kunst.