The program “A Different School” (April 18th – 22th 2016) offered free participation to 1350 pupils as follows: 830 pupils at the Suțu Palace, 30 at the Frederick Storck and Cecilia Cuțescu-Storck Museum, 70 at the C.I. and C.C. Nottara Museum, 340 at the Theodor Aman Museum, 20 at the Ligia and Pompiliu Macovei Art Collection and 60 at the George Severeanu Museum.

The pupils who visited the Bucharest Municipality Museum came from the following schools and high-schools:

„Constantin Brâncoveanu” Theoretical High-School, Mihai Botez School, No. 114 School, No. 205 Secondary School, No. 39 General School, „Mircea Vulcănescu” Technological High-school, „Vasile Alecsandri” General School, No. 3 General School, „Nicolae Grigorescu” School, „Ion Barbu” Theoretical School, „Ștefan Odobleja” Theoretical High-school, „Virgil Madgearu” Economical College, Ruth School, „Mihail Sadoveanu” Theoretical High-school, No. 206 Secondary School, „Titu Maiorescu” General School, „Octav Onicescu” National COllege, No. 56 School, No. 78 School, Ploșca Secondary School, „Toma Socolescu” Technical College, No. 5 School, No. 5 Secondary School, „Spiru Haret” National College, No. 3 School, „Matei Basarab” Secondary School, „Ion Creangă” National College, „George Călinescu” Theoretical High-school, „Tudor Arghezi” School, „Ion Caragiale” Theoretical High-school, Waldorf Kindergarten, „Goethe” German College.

9th grade pupils from Constantin Brâncoveanu High-school, A Different School 2016, The Frederick Storck and Cecilia Cuțescu-Storck Museum.