Autori |
Secţiunea |
Limba de redactare | engleză (şi un rezumat în română) |
TITLU în română | Determinarea aplicabilităţii analizelor cu un XRF portabil pentru caracterizarea artefactelor de silex şi a materiilor prime din Bazinul Dunării de Jos |
Excerpt | This article provides a preliminary evaluation of the suitability of portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) for determining the chemical composition offlint artifacts and geological samples from the Lower Danube Basin. The artifacts analyzed in this study originate from Eneolithic settlements from southern Romania and northeastern Bulgaria. Geological samples of flint were collected from primary and secondary deposits from northern Bulgaria, in the Ludgorie region and Nikopol region, and from the northern bank of the Danube, near Ciuperceni – Teleorman county. This study determines that materials from the Ludgorie and Nikopol regions can be distinguished from one another based on their concentrations of strontium (Sr) and zirconium (Zr). However, Nikopol and Ciuperceni could not be distinguished from one another based on the elements analyzed in this study. |
Paginaţia | |< << 77-103 >> >| |
Descarcă fişierul | |
Titlul volumului de apariție |
Editura | Publicat de: OSCAR PRINT |
Loc publicare | Bucureşti |