In 1917, Eugène Pittard published “La Roumanie: Valachie, Moldavie, Dobroudja: 50 illustrations, don’t 35 hors-texte d’ après des photographies prises par l’auteur, Paris, 1917, 328 p.” with the dedication:
To the Romanian people, whom, during my long anthropological study campaigns, I came to know and love. I tried to present a short synthesis of all the elements that make up the Romanian countries and I wished to evoke, in its spirit, this people, its traditions, its customs, its economic life – a small part of the Romanian soul.
Thanks to the good relations he had with prince George Valentin Bibescu (1880 – 1941), in 1899 he set out on a journey through the Balkan Peninsula and Romania, where he visited especially Dobrogea. Starting with 1901 and during the next 30 years of anthropological studies in Romania, Eugène Pittard published more than 50 articles presenting the results of his field studies in Dobrogea.
For more information on Eugène Pittard’s work in Romania and his research studies, we welcome you in the greenhouse of the Suțu Palace from September 18th to October 19th to visit the exhibition “La Roumanie – The Vision of a Swiss Anthropologist”.