Oraşul Giurgiu reflectat în medalii, plachete şi insigne păstrate în colecţia Muzeului Municipiului Bucureşti

  • ROŞCA Adriana
  • Numismatică / Numismatics  Articolele semnate de autor
Limba de redactare română
  • Giurgiu (ora din România)
  • Comemorare
  • medalii (paranumismatică)
  • insigne (paranumismatică)
  • simbol
  • centenar
  • omagiu
  • festivitate
  • plachete (paranumismatică)
Excerpt The commemoration of local events in the first part of the twentieth century brings to the fore the need to complete the history through extensive homage. Like other events held locally, in the case of the city of Giurgiu, the series of festivities
includes the beating of medals, plaques and badges as a form of remembrance of the historical facts that have occurred and of the personalities of the city of Giurgiu. Items that otherwise played a significant role in the activity of the city, both economically and culturally. During this time, for the inhabitants of Giurgiu, the marking of such moments of homage and their approach in the public space was also a commemorative speech about the meaning of the symbols chosen to be printed in metal.Today, some such objects of significant importance for historians who have leaned on the study of urban communities and who best depict the specificity of the period in which they were made can be found in the patrimony of the Bucharest Municipal Museum.
Paginaţia |<    <<  407-414   >>    >|
Descarcă fişierul
Titlul volumului de apariție
  • Revista de Cercetări Arheologice şi Numismatice; V; anul 2019
Editura Publicat de: Cetatea de Scaun
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