Muzeul Municipiului Bucureşti păstrează în arhiva Pinacotecii un bogat fond documentar provenind din Muzeul Anastase Simu. Printr-un demers susținut de recuperare a memoriei acestui muzeu dispărut, ne-am propus să derulăm o serie de proiecte dedicate Muzeului Simu, desfăşurate în colaborare cu alte organizații. Colecționarul de artă Anastase Simu (1854-1935) s-a născut la Brăila, iar la […]
Read MorePe șantierul arheologic de la Sultana – Malu Roșu a început o nouă campanie. De 19 ani, an de an, colectivul de cercetare revine în acest loc mirific pentru a continua o tradiție în cercetarea arheologică preistorică de aproape un secol. Sultana a fost prima stațiune aparținând culturii Gumelnița unde s-a desfășurat o săpătură arheologică […]
Read MoreInterviu cu doamna Irinuca Văduva, general manager ECDL 5 licee 5 muzee și experiențele unice oferite de MMB – De ce credeți că proiectul „5 licee 5 muzee” pe care îl coordonați are tot mai mare audiență în rândul elevilor de liceu? Ce anume vă spun tinerii că apreciază cel mai mult? Irinuca Văduva: Ajungând […]
Read MoreDin 30 iulie 2019 EXPOZIȚIE TEMATICĂ LA PALATUL SUȚU „CONSTANTIN I. NOTTARA: SCENA ESTE VIAȚA MEA!” Muzeul Municipiului București prezintă publicului expoziția tematică „Constantin I. Nottara: Scena este viața mea!”, data vernisajului fiind marți, 30 iulie 2019, ora 18.00. Expoziția poate fi vizitată la Palatul Suțu (Bdul Ion C. Brătianu, nr. 2) și prezintă istoria unei arte, pasiunea unei bresle și devotamentul […]
Read MoreMobile Churches Anton Roland Laub. Photographs Bucharest in the 1980s. Ceausescu’s ‘systematisation’ programme is in full swing in the Romanian capital: one-third of the historic centre has been wiped out to make way for imposing edifices and wide avenues intended to honour the regime. Despite Ceausescu’s particularly dogged approach towards the churches, seven are spared […]
Read MoreThe George Enescu International Festival and the Bucharest Municipality Museum (BMM) are officially launching a partnership meant to extend the interaction between the Festival and the city and to diversify the festival experience for the public. The first event to take place under the aegis of this partnership is the exhibition “Music at home – […]
Read MoreThe competition for teenage photographers has started! We invite as many young people to enter and we look forward to seeing their photos and exhibiting them. The National Competition “The Most Beautiful Photographs of Adolescents – InstantAdolescența” (the best digital photos taken by teenagers with their phones, expressing originality, creativity and teenage hobbies; this edition’s […]
Read MoreThe 12th edition of the project 5 high-schools 5 museums has started. The project is dedicated to pupils in Bucharest and is supported by the Bucharest Municipality Museum. The launching event took place at the Technical College Mihai Bravu, on February 27th, 11:00. Already a tradition among schools in the capital, 5 high-schools 5 museums […]
Read MoreThe Bucharest Municipality Museum together with the Austrian Cultural Forum in Bucharest have organized the opening of the exhibition “Gustav Klimt. Precursor of Modernity”, which will remain open all throughout February, at the Suțu Palace (2 I.C. Brătianu Blvd.). The itinerary exhibition is made of 15 panels with explanatory texts and images and was proposed […]
Read MoreOn Friday, March 1st 2019, the “Dr. Nicolae Minovici” Folk Art Museum, part of the Bucharest Municipality Museum, will host a special event-activity which is part of the National Competition “Romanian Culture and Civilization”. The activity is organized by the History Department of the “Aurel Vlaicu” Theoretical High-school in Breaza, Prahova County, and its partners: […]
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