Peer review process

Peer review process


The evaluation of the articles sent for publication to the Journal of Archaeological and Numismatic Research is carried out respecting the international peer review system, according to the following procedure:

– The article must be sent electronically in a single archived directory, containing the manuscript and illustration in accordance with the aforementioned editorial rules.

– The recipient is the editor-in-chief of the journal, who evaluates the compatibility of the material with the journal’s mission as well as its scientific quality.

– In the case of a first positive evaluation, three editors shall appoint at least two reviewers, members of the Scientific Committee or external, if possible.

– The reviewers will be reputed specialists in the field and the main topic of the material submitted.

– At the reviewer’s request, he/she may remain anonymous to the author of the reviewed article.

– Peer reviewers must keep any information regarding the identity of the authors and the content of the paper confidential.

– Peer review comments should be objective and constructive without being of a hostile or derogatory nature.

– The evaluation will last maximum one month and the following criteria will be taken into account in the prepared reports:

  • compliance with the publication rules and the structure of the article;
  • thematic framing of articles in the journal’s profile;
  • novelty and originality;
  • clarity, conciseness and accuracy of the text of the article;
  • lack of errors, misconceptions and ambiguities;
  • results obtained and their scientific impact.

– The evaluation of the reviewers must conclude with one of the following recommendations for the submitted article:

  • acceptance in the submitted form;
  • acceptance subject to the changes mentioned in the report;
  • rejection of the article.

– In situations where the papers obtain opposing recommendations, the publisher may request another review from a third party.

– Depending on the reviewers’ analysis and their comments, the Editorial Board will decide to publish the material in the presented form, to publish it with corrections (major or minor) or to reject the paper.


– The authors will receive one or more corrections, on a case-by-case basis, in pdf format, with all the highlighted observations and requests. Their response will be made by sending a separate document to the publisher, indicating the page, paragraph, line, and the type of change requested.