Guidelines for authors

Guidelines for authors


The Editorial Board of the Journal of Archaeological and Numismatic Research will welcome with equal interest the contributions of archaeologists and numismatists, but also of specialists in related fields, with potential for the integration into historical knowledge.

Given that, respecting the rigours of academic expression, the papers submitted to the Editorial Board aim to transmit results of original research, to debate innovative opinions, topics and approaches in the field of archaeology and numismatics, the Journal of Archaeological and Numismatic Research will be honoured to offer its pages for their hosting.

The papers, written in Romanian or in an international language (English, French or German), will be sent to the editorial office in electronic format, in a single folder, archived, containing the text, with the following characteristics:

– page format 24 × 17 cm;

– font Times New Roman;

– title, author, article – 11 pt., single spaced, one column;

– bilingual abstracts – 11 pt., Italic.

– footnotes 9 pt., numbered 1-n, at the bottom of the page;

All materials must be written in MS Office Word. For the situation in which special characters are used (Greek, Slavonic) the author will attach to the e-mail correspondence the fonts used.


The paper must be accompanied by:

– The title translated into English / French / German, in the case of papers written in Romanian.

– A summary of at least 150 words in Romanian and translated into English / French / German;

– At least five keywords in Romanian and English / French / German;

– Data about the author(s) written according to the following model: Name, Surname; position / specialization; institutional affiliation; e-mail;

– Written paper (without illustrations) in MS Word format;

– List of illustrations (bilingual; under each illustration the copy-right issues will be presented, if any);

– The figures and drawings must in turn be sent individually, in electronic form, at a resolution as high as possible (min. 300 dpi). Each time and for each of them, the number of the figure, the number of the image in the drawing will be indicated. For the plates, the numbering will be continuous, from 1 to n, without starting again at each plate. (e.g. pl. I, nos. 1-10, pl. II, nos. 11-20). Photographs of objects must be at 1: 1 scale, indicating, if necessary, an increase in scale (2x or more). Otherwise, a drawn scale should be included. It is essential that the digital processing of these photos (in Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, etc.) is as good as possible;

– Plates must be the maximum size corresponding to the mirror of the RCAN journal page (20 × 14 cm);

– Bibliographic list, at the end of the body of the paper;

– List of abbreviations.


The citation system will be made through footnotes and will have the following structure:


-Footnote: Tomescu 2004, p. 57.

– Bibliography (at the end of the text): Iulia Tomescu: Studiul resturilor lemnoase în arheologie. Paleoecologie şi Paleoetnografie, Târgovişte, 2004.



– Footnote: Nicolae 2010, p. 79.

– Bibliography (at the end of the text): E. Nicolae: Un tezaur din vremea lui Mircea cel Bătrân descoperit la Titu, SCN, I (XIII), 2010, p. 69-83.


Article in collective volume

– Footnote: Soficaru 2017, p.25.

– Bibliography (at the end of the text): A. D. Soficaru 2017: Pathological conditions of the human skeleton from Climente II Cave, Romania, în M. Mărgărit și A. Boroneanț (eds.), From Hunter-Gatherers to Farmers. Human adaptations at the end of the Pleistocene and the first part of the Holocene, Editura Cetatea de Scaun, Târgoviște, 2017, p. 25-43.


Online source

– Footnote: Ionescu 2015, online.

– Bibliography (at the end of the text): N. Ionescu 2015: La granița dintre bine și rău, web link, accessed at date (web link is transcribed in full).


The notes will be placed at the bottom of the pages, numbered from 1 to n throughout the paper.

Where an author has several publications from the same year, distinguish them as a, b, c, etc.

The text of the footnote will be repeated each time it is used, even if the author and the cited work are the same.

Multiple references in a single note will be arranged chronologically.


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