The Garden of Paradise. Preparatory drawings. “Frederic Storck and Cecilia Cuțescu Storck” Museum Exhibition space: Cecilia Cuțescu Storck’s painting workshop. The exhibition will include approximately 15 preparatory drawings, made for the mural painting in the lobby of the Storck house, which symbolically represents the Paradise Garden. It is a very valuable series […]
Read MoreMargareta Sterian. Donation of Mircea Barzuca Ever since she was a student, Margareta Sterian has shown a special ability to capture, in her art, the essence of reality. During this period, the painter participates in the sociological research from Drăguș, a very important event of cultural investigation, with a strong echo at the […]
Read MoreExhibition at the Suțu Palace Dress code – Perfume of the 19th Century Today, when mankind has already gone through a rich history of clothing, any lover of beauty making a foray into the past can ask himself: What did the dress code mean in the 19th century? What were the outfits for going […]
Read MoreFrom July 15th 2020 THEMATIC EXHIBITION AT SUȚU PALACE NICOLAE GRIGORESCU AND THE POETRY OF THE IMAGE The Bucharest Municipality Museum invites you to admire from July 15th to August 16th 2020, at the Suțu Palace, a number of six paintings of Nicolae Grigorescu adding and completing, in a special medallion, the thematic exhibition Still […]
Read MoreNăscută la Chișinău, Aura Christi este poet, romancier și eseist român. Din 2001, este redactorul șef al revistei „Contemporanul. Ideea europeană”. Este deopotrivă membră a Uniunii Scriitorilor din România și Uniunii Scriitorilor din Moldova. „Contemporanul. Ideea europeană” și „București în 5 minute”. Împreună. O consacrată revistă națională de cultură și o publicație cu profil istoric […]
Read MoreFROM JULY 24th 2020 THEMATIC EXHIBITION AT SUTU PALACE ADVERTISING SHAPES THE WORLD – A JOURNEY THROUGH THE BUCHAREST MUSEUM’S COLLECTIONS The thematic exhibition will be presented between July 24 and September 13, 2020, at the Suțu Palace. The Museum of Bucharest, through its heritage collections, offers the general public a nostalgic journey, an expression […]
Read MoreTHEMATIC EXHIBITION AT SUȚU PALACE TATTARESCU – PERSPECTIVE STUDIES The exhibition can be visited at the Suțu Palace between July 8th and September 27th, 2020. While we await the reopening of the Gheorghe Tattarescu Memorial Museum – in the artist’s house at No. 7 Domnița Anastasia Street, the halls of which will eventually house an […]
Read MoreTEMPORARY OUTDOOR EXHIBITION THE HISTORY OF THE ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATORY The city of Bucharest only has one astronomical observatory open to the public, an institution present in the lives of Bucharest dwellers since 1910. This temporary exhibition will present the history of this beloved place of Bucharest, a tumultuous history accompanied by a constant activity – […]
Read More– Aţi participat recent la vernisajul expoziţiei „Elite şi Blazoane în Vechiul Bucureşti”, care cuprinde obiecte diverse ce au pe ele aplicate blazoane şi monograme care au aparţinut unor familii nobiliare ilustre. Cum vi se pare expoziţia de la Palatul Suţu? – Muzeele deţin numeroase obiecte cu însemne heraldice, obiecte grăitoare pentru istoria naţională, pentru […]
Read MoreAugustin Ioan este doctor în arhitectură, profesor universitar la UAUIM București și directorul Consiliului Studiilor Universitare de Doctorat al acestei școli. A publicat substanțial atât în țară, cât și în străinătate, iar din 1999 este directorul seriei de cărți de arhitectură „Spații Imaginate la Editura Paideia”, cu aproape 50 de titluri publicate. A câștigat premiul […]
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