Câteva simboluri din arta cucuteniană

  • NEAGU Dragoş-Nicolae
  • Arheologie / Archaeology  Articolele semnate de autor
Limba de redactare română
  • Cucuteni (cultură preistorică)
  • Artă
  • motive (decor)
  • simbolururi (reprezentare)
  • semnificaţii
Excerpt Symbols are complex elements, hiding in their depths meanings at
times undiscovered yet. Although they are abstract representations, the geometric
symbols have been used to convey messages and information over generations and times, establishing a unique, transcendental communication language that unites the natural with the supernatural and the human with the divinity. Symbols are timeless messages whose essence contains notions and information waiting to be decoded and, above all, revealed. The present paper discusses the presence of such symbols on the Cucuteni culture pottery.
Paginaţia |<    <<  103-120   >>    >|
Descarcă fişierul
Titlul volumului de apariție
  • Revista de Cercetări Arheologice şi Numismatice; V; anul 2019
Editura Publicat de: Cetatea de Scaun
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