XRF analyses performed on the Eneolithic copper objects from the Bucharest Municipality Museum’s Archaeological Collection

  • GEORGESCU Migdonia
  • DARIE Adelina
  • Arheologie / Archaeology  Articolele semnate de autor
Limba de redactare engleză (şi un rezumat în română)
  • eneolitic
  • Vidra
  • cupru
  • unelte
  • analize XRF
TITLU în română Analize XRF asupra obiectelor eneolitice de cupru din Colecţia Arheologică a Muzeului Municipiului Bucureşti
Excerpt This study represents a technological approach on the copper artifacts from the South-eastern Romanian plain, during the Eneolithic period. All of the copper finds are part of the Archaeological collection of the Bucharest Municipality Museum and are related to important tell settlements: Vidra, Chitila- Fermă, Sărulesti. Firstly, the artifacts were submitted to morphological analyses, resulting in a reduced typological variation, as the majority of the objects were tools. Two new sets of XRF analyses performed on the Eneolithic objects curated at the Bucharest Municipality Museum archaeological collection are the main focus of the research, introducing new data regarding the emergence of metallurgy during the Eneolithic in the Gumelniţa area.
Paginaţia |<    <<  56-76   >>    >|
Descarcă fişierul
Titlul volumului de apariție
  • Revista de Cercetări Arheologice şi Numismatice; III; anul 2017
Editura Publicat de: OSCAR PRINT
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