Autori |
Limba de redactare | română (şi un rezumat în engleză) |
Excerpt | A 16th century hoard discovered at Urziceni, Ialomiţa County. The author presents a medieval coin hoard from the 16th century discovered in 1963, in Urziceni, Ialomiţa County. 25 pieces entered the collections of the “Vasile Pârvan” Institute of Archaeology of the Romanian Academy while other data regarding the discovery or the initial number of coins is unknown. The hoard is a mixed one, composed of 25 silver coins, issued by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (11), the Kingdom of Hungary (8), Transylvania (2), the Ottoman Empire (2) and the Holy Roman Empire (2). The earliest coins are from 1539 while the most recent ones date from 1597. The burial of this hoard can most probably be attributed to the military events taking place in Wallachia at the end of Michael the Brave’s reign. Alongside this hoard, other hoards discovered in Wallachia and dating from the period between 1595 and 1601 are also presented, pointing out some of their common features and aspects of monetary circulation at the time. |
Paginaţia | |< << 222-236 >> >| |
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