Ordine, cruci şi medalii din colecţia Muzeului Olteniei. Marele Război

  • DUMITRESCU Radu Gabriel
  • Numismatică / Numismatics  Articolele semnate de autor
Limba de redactare română
  • medalii (paranumismatică)
  • Muzeul Olteniei (Muzeu)
  • Marele Război (conflict militar)
  • ordine (paranumismatică)
  • eroi
Excerpt The present study will bring to the attention of specialists and faleristics passionates 44 Romanian and foreign orders, crosses and medals, during the
Great War, from the Museum of Oltenia collection. These objects can be considered true pieces of art, because apart from information on the realm of history, they are presented as true “jewels”, being crafted with skill, a lot of artistic sense and aesthetic taste. In their realization the artists (sculptors, engravers) combined the beauty and the aesthetics with the useful, giving the pieces a pleasant appearance. Most of the decorations belonged to the generals Constantin Dragu, Gheorghe Dragu and Dumitru Lupu, but also the academician Dumitru Combiescu or the former prefect of the Gorj County, Numa Frumuşanu. Some decorations also belonged to some ladies from Ghica and Otetelişanu families. The main orders, crosses and medals are: “Michael the Brave” Order, “Star of Romania” Order, “Crown of Romania” Order, ”Sanitary Merit” Cross, ”Cross of Queen Mary” Order, the Honourable Sign of the Officers for Twenty-Years in the Army, the Commemorative Cross of the War 1916 -1918, the ”Victory” Medal, the French Order of the ”Legion of Honour” and the ”Cross of War”, the English Order “Distinguished Service”, the Polish Order “Virtuti Militari”, the Serbian Order “The White Eagle” and the Medal of the War Ministry of France.
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Titlul volumului de apariție
  • Revista de Cercetări Arheologice şi Numismatice; V; anul 2019
Editura Publicat de: Cetatea de Scaun
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