Monumente fantomatice. Tell-urile eneolitice din preajma Bucureştilor

  • OPRIŞ Vasile
Limba de redactare română (şi un rezumat în engleză)
  • Bucureşti
  • eneolitic
  • tell
  • Monumente
Excerpt Ghost-like monuments. Eneolithic tell sites in the proximity of Bucharest city.
This study aims an update of the actual situation of the Eneolithic tell sites situated in the proximity of Bucharest. There are five tells known in the archaeological literature as Chitila Fermă, Măgurele Movila Filipescu, Măgura Jilavei, Vidra Tell (Măgura Jidovilor) and Glina Tell (La Nuci). Intrusive archaeological research affected them to
different extents, but the resulted publications were decisive for the understanding of the Neo-Eneolithic period of Bucharest and its neighboring areas. Except Măgura Jilavei, the remaining four sites were classified as historical monuments of national and universal
value, and thus protected by national and international laws. But recent field surveys on each of these sites suggest that the tells around Bucharest are actually „ghost-like monuments”, almost invisible in the landscape: damaged, flattened, agriculturally worked
or covered by vegetation and/or garbage.
Paginaţia |<   11-28   >>    >|
Descarcă fişierul
Titlul volumului de apariție
  • Revista de Cercetări Arheologice şi Numismatice; I; anul 2015
Editura Publicat de: OSCAR PRINT
Loc publicare Bucureşti