Monedele moldoveneşti de tip „cruce cu braţe egale” prin prisma datelor sfragistice şi epigrafice

Limba de redactare română (şi un rezumat în engleză)
  • Cetatea Albă
  • sec. XVI
  • monede moldoveneşti de tip „cruce cu braţe egale”
  • plăci comemorative
  • Stanciul
  • emblema heraldică
  • simbol schematizat sau geometric
Excerpt Moldovan Medieval coins of the “cross with bars of equal length” type through the prism of epigraphic and sphragistic data.
The article at hand discusses Moldovan coins of the „cross with bars of equal length” type. On the obverse these coins show a bull’s head with a rose on the right side and a crescent on the left side. The reverse exhibits a cross with bars of the equal length. The reverse can be divided into a typology of three subtypes depending on the symbols that appear between the bars of the cross: 1st subtype: I – crown, II – crown, III – star, IV – crescent; 2nd subtype: I – schematic symbol composed of two elements: “Λ” on the top and “Δ” on the bottom, II – crown, III – star, IV – crescent; 3rd subtype: I – schematic symbol Π, II – crown, III – star, IV – crescent.
Paginaţia |<    <<  188-201   >>    >|
Descarcă fişierul
Titlul volumului de apariție
  • Revista de Cercetări Arheologice şi Numismatice; II; anul 2016