The documents collection features 11 572 objects collected through acquisitions and donations made throughout the years.

The documents are of two types: originals and copies, produced in Romanian as well as Latin, French, German, Slavonic, Hungarian, Russian, Turkish, Greek, Armenian and Korean. They reflect all the fields of society: its economy, culture, religion, social status and politics. They are the material evidence on which the presentation of Bucharest’s history is based.

The dimensions vary, as the collection features both smaller sized documents as well as ones which span 1 meter, on paper and cardboard supports.

Among the collection’s most important features we point out the following items: Nicolae the Young’s 1481 letter (the collection’s oldest original document), Vlad the Impaler’s charter from September 20th 1459 (the first documentary proof of Bucharest’s existence, a facsimile), the Necula County Book which belonged to Bobanea, from May 13th 1563 (the first normative document related to urban administration), the founding charter for Pantelimon Hospital from the 18th century, a copy of the May 9th 1877 Declaration of Independence, the Casa Capşa menu, the invitation Carol I addressed to C. Gr. Suțu in 1868, the letters of I. C. Brătianu addressed to Alexandru Algiu, his head of office, and the correspondence between Algiu and his mother.

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