“The National Museum of Antiquities: An Archaeological Journey” is an event marking the 180 years anniversary of the founding of the Natural History and Antiquities Museum and the 150 years anniversary of the National Museum of Antiquities, whose continuer is the “Vasile Pârvan” Institute of Archaeology.

The exhibition offers the public an encounter with the valuable patrimony belonging to the old collections of the National Museum of Antiquities and Dr. George Severeanu.  At the same time, by combining illustrations and collection pieces, the exhibition aims to present the institution’s journey from the moment it collects the artifacts to the systematic research and protection of archaeological patrimony. The name and the patrimony of the National Museum of Antiquities is connected to the Roman-Greek archaeological sites situated between the Danube and the Black Sea, whose research started during the second half of the 19th century or the first decades of the 20th century, and continued uninterrupted until today.

2014 marks the jubilee of one of Dobrogea most representative archaeological sites: Histria, the old Milesian colony on the banks of the Sinoe Lake, whose research started a century ago.

The exhibition is organized by the “Vasile Pârvan” Institute of Archaeology of the Romanian Academy, in partnership with the Bucharest Municipality Museum – George Severeanu Museum and the involvement of the National History and Archaeology Museum in Comstanța and the Faculty of History – Bucharest University. It will remain open at the George Severeanu Museum from December 19th 2014 to July 10th 2016.

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