Revista de Cercetări Arheologice şi Numismatice V/2019
The Bucharest Municipality Museum launches a call for papers for the 5th number of Revista de Cercetări Arheologice şi Numismatice, which aims to capitalize on the following fields of research: archeology, numismatics, medals, heraldry, sigillography, phaleristics, glyptics and metrology.
The submission deadline is July 31, 2019. The editorial standards are presented below. Hoping for a positive response, we expect original and unpublished contributions, which were not submitted at the same time for other magazines/volumes, at the following email address:
Revista de Cercetări Arheologice şi Numismatice, launched by the Bucharest Municipality Museum in 2015, at the proposal of director Dr. Adrian Majuru, represents a space of scientific debate where specialists in the aforementioned domains can participate and it is open to a wide spectrum of approaches, methods and perspectives of studies that capitalize on field research but also on theoretical research. We offer the possibility of publishing studies, articles, research reports, discussions, notes and reviews of recent scientific literature, in Romanian or in international languages (English, French, German), the chronological timeframe spanning from the Paleolithic age to the 20th century. Besides the said types of contributions, the magazine also aims to host in its pages synthesis essays or detail studies on various categories of artifacts.
The Bucharest Municipality Museum has an impressive past regarding the preoccupation of specialists, which worked throughout time within the institution, to disseminate the results of historical research, Revista de Cercetări Arheologice şi Numismatice enrolling in this effort. The 5th number of the magazine will be launched in December 2019.
The editorial board of Revista de Cercetări Arheologice şi Numismatice, will welcome with equal interest the contributions of fellow historians but also of specialists from related fields with integration potential in historical knowledge.
The papers will be submitted in electronic format, in a single folder, archived, containing the text (page format 14×17 cm; Times New Roman 11 pt; single-line spacing; one column; with 9 pt footnotes, numbered from 1 to n) and illustrations.
All materials must be redacted in MS Office Word and they must contain the following elements: title, authors, abstract, key-words, bibliography and a list of illustrations. The latter must clearly specify if they are figures, tables or plates.
The images must be sent individually, in electronic form, the digital photos should be JPEG or TIFF files, at a higher resolution (min. 600 dpi). For each of them, the figure number and/or the photo number within the plate shall be indicated. For plates, the photo numbering shall be continuous, from 1 to n, without restarting at each plate (i.e. pl. I, nr. 1-10, pl. II, nr. 11-20). Photos of objects shall be at a scale of 1:1; where appropriate, the increase in scale (2x or higher) shall also be mentioned. It is essential to digitally process these images (using Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, etc) as best as possible.
The paper shall be necessarily accompanied by:
- An abstract of at least 150 words, in English/French/ German;
- At least 5 key-words in English/French/German;
- Data about the author written as follows: POPESCU Ion, (the position) …, within …, email … .
The citation style shall be as follows:
- Note: Vîlcu 2009, p. 103.
- Bibliography (at the end of the text): Aurel Vîlcu, Moneda otomană în Țările Române în perioada 1687-1807, Brăila, 2009.
- Note: Sandu 2017, p. 165.
- Bibliography (at the end of the text): Vasilica Sandu, Descoperirile arheologice în situl Vlădiceasca, punctul La Merii Barbului, RCAN, III, 2017, p. 164-196.
The bibliography shall be accompanied by a list of used abbreviations (RCAN – Revista de Cercetări Arheologice și Numismatice, Bucharest), at the end of the text.
The note’s text shall be repeated each time, even if the author and the paper are the same.
The review of the articles sent to Revista de Cercetări Arheologice şi Numismatice will be conducted according to the following procedure:
- The article sent in electronic format, in one archived folder, containing the manuscript, illustration and list of figures according to the aforementioned norms.
- The recipient is the magazine’s editor-in-chief, who, together with the editorial board reviews the compatibility of the material with the magazine’s mission and its scientific quality.
- In the case of a first positive review, three editors designate at least two referents of the Scientific Committee or external ones, if possible. The referents are reputed specialists in the field and the main topic of the material.
- The review will take at most one month and will take into account the following: novelty and originality; scientific level; the obtained results and their scientific impact.
- According to the analysis of the reviewers and to their comments, the editorial board will decide on publishing the material in the presented form, its publishing with corrections (major or minor) or the rejection of the paper.
Dr. Dan Pîrvulescu
Dr. Vasile Opriș
Deputy Editor-in-chief