• iulie 07, 2018 - 19:00

 Jazz Concert and Literature with UCIMR – at the Filipescu-Cesianu House

Saturday, July 7th 2018. 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Poster 100 Ani 100 Concerte_v5

The Bucharest Municipality Museum and UCIMR (The Interpretative Creation Union of Musicians from Romania) cordially invite you to the Jazz Concert and Literature with UCIMR, taking place on Saturday, July 7th 2018, 7:00 PM, at the Filipescu-Cesianu.

The event is part of the “100 years in 100 concerts”.

  „La classe operaia va in paradiso” – Mircea Tiberian concert

Mircea Tiberian – piano

Claudio Puntin – clarinet

Chris Dahlgren – bass

Tilo Weber – drums


Reciters: poets Florin Iaru and Teodor Duna

The entrance is free of charge. Information and terms on facebook.com/UCIMR

Organizers: UCIMR, the Bucharest Municipality Museum, the Filipescu-Cesianu House.

A project co-financed by AFCN (Administration of the National Cultural Fund), Bucharest’s 1st District City HallPartners: National Museum of Old Maps and Books, the National Library, UNMB.

The complete list of events for “100 years in 100 concerts” will be available on www.ucimr.ro

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