Autori |
Limba de redactare | engleză (şi un rezumat în română) |
Excerpt | Circulaţia monedelor Ţării Româneşti în a doua jumătate a secolului al XIV-lea în nord-estul Bulgariei. The purpose of this study is to find and analyze all Wallachian coins (single and collective Hoards) from the second half of 14th century found in Northeastern Bulgaria. Their significant increase in recent years led to a series of questions and allows to make some adjustments on the expressed opinions. Here the following conclusions that can be drawn: 1. The Wallachian coins from the second half of 14th century are spread throughout northeastern Bulgaria, which clearly indicates that they enter into coin circulation in these lands. The most common are emissions of Mircea I, mostly minted in his first ruling period 1386-1396. Part of the finds of this Romanian ruler can be viewed as a consequence of its military offensive in these places; 2. The Wallachian coins are found both as single individuals and in collective hoards. This shows that not only they were circulating in Bulgarian markets but participated in the trade between the two countries and that these specimens were among the preferred for treasury; 3. The largest emissions (individual and collective Hoards) were found in the fortress Kastrici. A fact which leads to the conclusion that exactly Kastrici and not Varna was the port, in which was carried out the main commercial activity with the Wallachian voivodship during this period; 4. Finding of such a large amount of coins as in Kastrici and in Kaliakra can disprove that Rousse is the main geographical area where they are circulated Wallachian emissions from the second half of 14th century. The amount of specimens found in the two fortresses is more than in the whole region of Rousse. This fact clearly indicates that precisely these ports (and in general the northern Black Sea coast) are the main places where these coins were distributed. |
Paginaţia | |< << 202-211 >> >| |
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