Cartierul evreiesc. Cercetări arheologice preventive în zona străzilor Iuliu Barasch şi Cluceru Udricani

  • MOŢEI Raluca
  • Arheologie / Archaeology  Articolele semnate de autor
Limba de redactare română
Excerpt The Jewish Quarter: Rescue archaeological research in the area of Iulius Barasch and Cluceru Udricani streets.
Cities suffer metamorphoses over centuries. Economic, spatial or temporal features lead to their perpetual transformation and modernization. The archaeological research undertook earlier this year in Bucharest in the Udricani area, at the intersection of Iuliu Barasch with Cluceru Udricani streets and in the area of Alexandru Şafran Square, located near the Great Synagogue, led to the discovery of several wall structures part of buildings affected by the systematization and demolitions in two distinct historical periods: the systematizations carried out during the interwar period and the massive demolitions during the communist period. Archaeology supports this endeavor by bringing to light remains of no longer existing buildings and the artefacts and objects discovered, thus becoming a tangible resource and an addition in all this attempt to recover recent history.
Paginaţia |<    <<  205-235   >>    >|
Descarcă fişierul
Titlul volumului de apariție
  • Revista de Cercetări Arheologice şi Numismatice; IV; anul 2018
Editura Publicat de: Muzeul Municipiului Bucureşti
Loc publicare Bucureşti