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Limba de redactare | română |
Excerpt | The archaeological site at Brănişca-Pescărie Vest was partly researched in the spring of 2014, when a settlement from the Bronze Age, identified for the first time in autumn 2013 following a intrusive diagnosis, was discovered on a length of about 170 meters. The results of the researches highlighted the presence of different categories of archaeological contexts, in most cases being complexes digged in the ground in the form of pits. The functionality of the archaeological complexes was assumed based on the particularities of the archaeological inventory, but also according to other criteria, such as the shapes and dimensions of the investigated pits. After a preliminary analysis of the characteristics of the archaeological complexes and materials, it can be argued that the site from Brănişca-Pescărie Vest, as much as researched in 2014, belongs to the Late Bronze Age II (LBA II), evolving at the time of Reinecke Br C-D. |
Paginaţia | |< << 127-170 >> >| |
Descarcă fişierul | |
Titlul volumului de apariție |
Editura | Publicat de: Cetatea de Scaun |
Loc publicare | Târgovişte |