Anthropological data regarding the human cranial fragment discovered in the dwelling no. 4 during the archaeological campaign of 1972 at Radovanu – Gorgana a doua

  • COMŞA Alexandra
Limba de redactare engleză (şi un rezumat în română)
  • geto-daci
  • fragment cranian de frontal
  • Radovanu-Gorgana a doua
TITLU în română Date arheologice privind un fragment de craniu uman descoperit in locuinţa nr. 4 în timpul campaniei arheologice din 1972 de la Radovanu – Gorgana a doua
Excerpt The paper refers to a human frontal cranial fragment discovered in the Dwelling no. 4 at Radovanu – Gorgana a doua. It also presents Geto-Dacian practices involving this particular part of the skull and provides similar examples from other archaeological sites. In this particular case, the paper summarizes the archaeological context of the bone fragment, followed by the anthropological and the paleopathological study. The fragment came from a male individual, probably a juvenile.
Paginaţia |<    <<  95-104   >>    >|
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Titlul volumului de apariție
  • Revista de Cercetări Arheologice şi Numismatice; II; anul 2016